NSW and Victorian Irrigation Water Use Halved

NSW and Victorian Irrigation Water Use Halved
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Writing for The Weekly Times 8/1/25, Peter Hunt reports that irrigation water use in NSW and Victoria has declined by half from 1997 to 2024. This decline is due to various State reductions and Federal Government (via the Murray Darling Basin Authority) water purchases since the implementation of the legislated Basin Plan 2012..

The effect of this decline on the wealth production, employment, and people in the irrigation areas of these States can only be disastrous.

While the Federal Government justifies this decline as saving the environment, the myriad inconsistencies and debunked claims prove that this justification is false. While the real unexplained reason can only be speculated, the politics of  appealing to urban Green oriented voters is a much more likely reason. To be elected in urban areas, politicians and political parties must, and will, enact Green oriented policies, regardless of any false premise these policies are based on. What Party these politicians belong to is practically irrelevant.

As history has shown, it doesn’t matter what the people in the irrigation areas say or do, or what claims of the Murray Darling Basin Authority are debunked, the removal of water from these areas continues, as does the decline in wealth production, jobs, and population.

It must be remembered that the Federal Government only manages water with the permission of the States. NSW and Victoria have authority over water under Section 100 of the Australian Constitution. These States can resume management of water at any time.

A Riverina State will assume the authority over water reserved by Section 100, and will ensure that this water is used in a manner beneficial to the people in this State,

This State is essential.

David Landini.




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