NSW and Victorian Irrigation Water Use Halved
Video Interviews and other News
Gayle Tierney Named As New Victorian Water Minister
1,300 members!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Ex government employee exposes renewable energy scam
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All Membership Invitation Events.
Membership Invitation Event at Ulupna 8.32 Muster 7/12/24
My Place. Vic Campout Community. 30/11/24.
National Ag Rally. Canberra 10/9/24
Topher Field Triple Conference Riverina State Presentation 15/3/24
Border Inn Hotel (Moama) Meeting 20/1/24
Damien Richardson at 1895 The Royal Hotel, Echuca. Saturday 25/11/23.
Summary of Reason for State Formation.
Structural Requirements of Good Government
Electorates Need Area Qualifications (Video and text).
The Premier not replaced without the consent of the People.
Northern Victoria to Join the Riverina State?
Petition to the N.S.W. Legislative Assembly. 1863 & 1865 A.D.
Petition to Queen Victoria. 1863 A.D.
The Riverina New State Movements
The Riverina Movement 1930-1931
The Riverina New State Movements in the 1920’s & 1930’S.
News Paper Articles
1857-1884 A.D.
Moreton Bay Courier. 1857.
Moreton Bay Courier. 1861.
South Australian Register. 1863.
The Argus 1864
The Australasian. 1864.
The Illustrated Sydney News. 1865.
Evening News. 1884.
1923-1931 A.D.
The Argus. 1923.
Albury Banner & Wodonga Express. 1931.
The Australasian. 1931.
Riverina Recorder.1931.
Letters – Articles
Gideon Lang. 1863 A.D.
V.C. Thompson. M.P. 1929.
J.A. Lorimer. 1931.
The Hon. D.S. Drummond. M.L.A, 1931.
R.G. Neale. U.Q. 1950.
The New England State Movement. Lessons to be learnt
Specific Policies
Irrigation Water Policy
Draft Medicine and Vaccine Policy
Hay Wind and Solar Electricity Construction Project Policy
Millewa Group of Forests Timber Policy
NSW Maps
Victorian Maps
Decline in NSW Country Electorates
Formation of the Australian States
Australian, NSW and Victorian Constitutions
Constitutional Requirements
University of N.S.W. Forming New States.
free trade, commerce, and intercourse among the states
Authority over Water
Coerced Ingestion of Drugs
Riverina State Media Platforms