Video Interviews and other News.

Video Interviews and other News.
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Membership invitation event at Cohuna 18/5/24. State formation, including northern Victoria, is very popular.

As at 4/5/24. Very good.

I was very fortunate and pleased to address the Topher Field Triple Conference in Albury on the 15th of March 2024. The conference was very inspiring, with a thoughtful, well expressed, and even courageous group of guest speakers. This was a great opportunity to promote State formation.

With Michael Grey Griffiths at the 8.32 Muster, Four Posts Camp, Deniliquin, 20/4/24.


Chris Brady discussing memberships. 25/3/24


Riverina State Group Millewa Group of Forests Timber Harvesting Policy Presentation to Mathoura Red Gum Sawmills owner Chris Crump. 19/3/24.


800 members. 23/2/24. Great !


The Riverina State Party Registration Saturday 10/2/24.


State formation progress report 26/1/24.


With Wade Northausen from Billboard Battalion at the water protest at Deniliquin on 21/11/23.


The Victorian people should elect the new premier.


Talking with Damien Richardson about the Riverina and a possible Gippsland State.


If there is a disagreement, the Riverina State will override the Basin Plan.


A politician sometimes vote and act against the desires of his constituents. This is because these desires are contrary to the desires of his political party, and the desires of his party are a higher priority than those of his constituents.


Productivity Commission Review public consultation meeting at the Deniliquin RSL on 8/6/23.


2 Hay FM interview with Mark Corcoran. Discussing the essential need for a Riverina State.

Talking The Riverina State with Jill Miller in Koondrook, Victoria.


Flag raising at Hay. 3/8/22. Well done Jacinta Cooper, Gary Cooper, Stewart McCall, David Landini (and others)


Address to Stand In The Park, Echuca on 17/7/22.


Flag raising at Murrabit. 7/6/22. Well done Ricky Maher.


Flag raising at Wakool. 22/12/21. Sheera Lam, Horst Jaksch, Pat Hays. Well done team.


Brie Gordon, Natasha Andrews and David Landini discuss Brie’s serious after affects of the Pfizer vaccine injection.


Trevor Andrews: This is our fifth lock down. We can’t go on. We need to open up.


Jeremiah Dixon and Pavel Pfitzner from The Beelbangera Post (Griffith’s premier independent news outlet) interview David Landini about the need for a Riverina State.

View in full screen on Rumble at:


Lee Miller:Northern Victoria is being shafted just as badly as The Riverina.


Interview with Peter Marks at 2HayFM. Covering a variety of issues and reasons for a Riverina State.


Phillip Williamson. “A Riverina State is a great idea. That way people in the country have their own right to do what they want with the water.”


Interview with Shelly Schouller, founder of Speak Up for Water.

“Speak Up is a voice for rural communities” (in the water issue).



…’idiots in Sydney saying lets lock it all up, destroy the local economy… and in a few years we’ll have a massive fire that will ruin all the timber.’ Tim Quilty.



‘They traded us off for votes in the city’ Chris Crump.



Tim Quilty Victorian Member of the Legislative Council. We need more states.


A Riverina State … It’s the only way to go, for sure. Rod Anthony.


Bill Allit interview at the 2020 140th Deniliquin Show.

Chris Brooks Interview

Discussing meeting with Mick Keelty, Inspector General of Murray Darling Basin Water Resources, and the new Victorian irrigator group. ‘Now we have a (irrigator) group across three rivers … and speaks with relevance to the local issues in this area.’ Chris Brooks.


Marty Cincotta Interview.


Forming a Riverina State is essential and an act of responsibility.

There are more Green voters opposed to irrigation in N.S.W. than there are voters west of The Great Dividing Range.

Interview with Jarrod Hall.

James Whelan: Northern Victoria should join The Riverina as a state separate from both Victoria and N.S.W.

Phil O’Neill: Everything we’ve got is on the line at the moment because of the way the water situation is. We’re not in a perilous position, but we’re in an uncomfortable position.


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