Join The Riverina State Group. Currently 1011 Members. Need 1,500.

Join The Riverina State Group. Currently 1011 Members. Need 1,500.
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My name is David Landini

If you want the Riverina State to be formed, join The Riverina State Group, now!

As at the tenth of July 2024 the Group has 1011 members. When membership reaches 1500 this group will be registered with the Australian Electoral Commission, and relevant State Commissions, as The Riverina State Party, and stand candidates in Federal, and NSW, and Victorian State elections, under the name The Riverina State. Elections will give supporters an unsurpassable opportunity to publicly express their support for State formation with their vote.

Whether candidates are elected or not, the number of votes received will eventually be used to justify a referendum on this formation. This referendum will be of the people in this proposed State, not Sydney, not Melbourne. I am confident this referendum will succeed, and this Riverina State will be formed.

There is no liability, responsibility, or obligation associated with membership. Establishment membership is free. General membership costs $200 per annum. Both memberships are valid for electoral commission requirements. All that is required is the member’s full name, address, and date of birth. I additionally want the member’s telephone number and email address – if the member has an email address – for contact purposes.

To join, telephone me on 0427 009683, or join via the membership page on the website theriverinastate – all one word, dot com, dot au. Join now! If you have family, friends or work mates, get their details and join them up too.

Time is running out.

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