Urgent !!! Time is Running Out!

Urgent !!! Time is Running Out!
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Time is Running Out to Register Federally

A membership form is linked. This is NSW State form, but Federal and Victorian details can be sourced from this one form. Scan and email the completed form to admin@trs.id.au or post to Flinders St, Wakool, NSW, 2710 or phone me on 0427 009683.: TRS Membership Form NSW Added

The Riverina State Group needs 1,500 members to register as a party in the next Federal Election. The Australian Electoral Commission recommends that 1,600 member names be submitted to allow for ineligible applicants.

The Group currently has 1,211 members, so 400 new members are needed.

State formation is very popular! The invitation to join the Group and register as a party as part of the process of eventually achieving State formation is popular with many people. The only thing most people need is a brief explanation and an invitation (see below).

While membership invitation events are very good and add about 20 new members a week, this is not quite fast enough for the next election.

I am asking every member to get one extra member to join the Group. Perhaps realistically, I am asking at least 100 members to get 4 extra members to join. This will fill the Group’s membership list immediately and enable prompt registration.

Get your husband, wife, mother, father, son, daughter, boyfriend, girlfriend, friend and/or anyone else that wants to preserve the jobs, livelihoods and prosperity of the people in this area to join.

Federal registration only requires the member’s name, address and date of birth as on the electoral role. The member’s telephone number and email address ( if applicable) is also desired so that contact can be made if necessary and so that members can be kept informed of progress. A signature is not needed.

Member details can telephoned to me on 0427 009683, or also recorded online here, or I can email or post a membership form.

Act Now!

Brief explanation.

1) Both NSW and Victoria are insurmountably dominated by the population and politicians of their respective urban areas. As history has shown, it doesn’t matter what the people in the country areas say or do, or who they elect to Parliament, the suppression of the natural resource based industries such as irrigation and timber that the livelihoods of all people in The Riverina directly or indirectly depend on, continues.

A Riverina State will have authority over the natural resources within its area, notably water, and the people in this State will ensure that these are used responsibly and for the benefit of these same people.

2) Registering a party named The Riverina State will enable this Party to stand candidates in the next Federal election and future NSW and Victorian State elections. Federally, this includes 3 NSW electorates and 2 or 3 Victorian electorates. This will get the name The Riverina State printed on up to 600,00 voting ballots. Along with media exposure, this is an unmatched opportunity to put State formation into the public domain.

3) Voters will have the opportunity to express their support for State formation with their vote. The number of votes received will be recorded with the relevant Electoral Commission and will become certified State support. It is certain that popularity and confidence in State formation will increase as support is recognized. This support will include future political candidates when they understand that supporting State formation will win them votes.

Having candidates elected to parliament will be considered a bonus; but not the primary reason for registering a party and standing candidates.

4) The certified electoral support will eventually be used to justify a NSW and Victorian State agreed referendum on State formation. This referendum will be of the people in the proposed State; not Melbourne; not Sydney. The Riverina State supporters will win this referendum as it will only include the areas where support is popular, and only be held when it will be won.

5) The successful referendum result will be used to justify the consent of the NSW Parliament for the NSW section, and of the Victorian Parliament for the Victorian section, for Riverina State formation. The consent of the relevant State Parliament is the only requirement for State formation (as recorded in Section 124 of the Australian Constitution).


Formation of new States

A new State may be formed by separation of territory from a State, but only with the consent of the Parliament thereof, and a new State may be formed by the union of two or more States or parts of States, but only with the consent of the Parliaments of the States affected.


David Landini.




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