The people of The Riverina need to form a state separate from N.S.W.

The people of The Riverina need to form a state separate from N.S.W.
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The decision of the Murray Darling Basin Authority to flow water out to sea in South Australia while depriving, to varying degrees, irrigation farmers and people in associated industries of their livelihoods, is worse than foolish or incompetent; it is immoral!

The claims of environmental necessity have been comprehensively debunked by professors, hydrologists and local water experts. The use of fresh water in Lakes Alexandrina and Albert, the Coorong and the Murray Mouth can be summarized as a fraudulent squander.

Yet as a minister in the N.S.W. government once stated ‘We get a lot of money for being in this’ i.e. the N.S.W. government gets a lot of money from the Federal government for participating in the Basin Plan.

N.S.W. politicians are right now selling the people in irrigation areas out.

Yet 70 N.S.W. state lower house politicians are elected from Newcastle, Sydney and Wollongong, while 23 are elected from the rest of the state. These 70 politicians have no agricultural constituents and actually need to appeal to Green voters to be elected. Consequently they will not, and actually cannot, vote in support of the irrigation or forestry industries.

The people of The Riverina need to form a state separate from N.S.W. Only as a state removed from the domination of N.S.W metropolitan politicians can decisions be made that will benefit the irrigation, forestry and wider supporting industries.

David Landini

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