N.S.W. Parliament votes to remove legal protection from babies in-utero (before birth).

N.S.W. Parliament votes to remove legal protection from babies in-utero (before birth).
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For context, an amazing video of our formation from conception to birth follows. In summary; we are wonderfully made!

Human Development in The Womb

Updated Video: Human Development in The Womb.

Posted by Hashem Al-Ghaili on Sunday, 22 July 2018

The N.S.W. Parliament recently voted to remove all legal protection from babies in-utero (before birth) via the Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill 2019

This bill was co-sponsored by: Shelley Hancock, Trish Doyle, Brad Hazzard, Ryan Park, Jenny Leong, Leslie Williams, Alex Greenwich, Jo Haylen, Jenny Aitchison, Felicity Wilson, Greg Piper, Emma Hurst, Penny Sharpe, Trevor Khan and Abigail Boyd.

Members of Parliament voted as follows:



Legislative Assembly – Aitchison Ms J, Barr Mr C, Car Ms P, Catley Ms Y, Chanthivong Mr A, Cotsis Ms S, Crakanthorp Mr T, Daley Mr M, Doyle Ms T, Harris Mr D, Harrison Ms J, Haylen Ms J, Hoenig Mr R, Hornery Ms S, Lynch Mr P, McKay Ms J, Mehan Mr D, Minns Mr C, O’Neill Dr M, Park Mr R, Saffin Ms J, Scully Mr P, Tesch Ms L, Voltz Ms L, Warren Mr G, Washington Ms K, Watson Ms A.

Legislative Council – Buttigieg Mr M, D’Adam Mr A, Graham Mr J, Jackson Ms R, Mookhey Mr D, Moriarty Ms T, Primrose Mr P, Searle Mr A, Secord Mr W, Sharpe Ms P, Veitch Mr M.


Legislative Assembly – Ayres Mr S, Berejiklian Ms G, Clancy Mr J, Constance Mr A, Crouch Mr A, Dominello Mr V, Mr V, Evans Mr L.J, Griffin Mr J, Hancock Mrs S, Hazzard Mr B, Henskens Mr A, Kean Mr M, Ward Mr G, Wilson Ms F.

Legislative Council – Cusack Ms C, Harwin Mr D, Mallard Mr S, Ward Mrs N.


Legislative Assembly – Anderson Mr K, Barilaro Mr J, Cooke Ms S, Gulaptis Mr C, Marshall Mr A, Pavey Mrs M, Provest Mr G, Saunders Mr D, Singh Mr G, Toole Mr P, Williams Mrs L.

Legislative Council – Fang Mr W, Franklin Mr B, Khan Mr T, Mitchell Mrs S, Taylor Mrs B.


Legislative Assembly – Leong Ms J, Parker Mr J, Smith Ms T.F.

Legislative Council – Boyd Ms A, Faehrmann Ms C, Shoebridge Mr D,

Shooters Fishers and Farmers:

Legislative Assembly – Butler Mr R, Dalton Mrs H, Donato Mr P.


Legislative Assembly – Greenwich Mr A, Piper Mr G.

Legislative Council – Field Mr J.

Animal Justice:

Legislative Council – Hurst Ms E, Pearson Mr M,



Legislative Assembly – Conolly Mr K, Coure Mr M, Davies Mrs T, Elliott Mr D, Finn Ms J, Gibbons Ms M, Lee Dr G, Lalich Mr N, Lee Dr G, Lindsay Ms W, Perrottet Mr D, Petinos Ms E, Preston Ms R, Roberts Mr A, Sidgreaves Mr P, Sidoti Mr J, Smith Mr N, Speakman Mr M, Stokes Mr R, Taylor Mr M, Tuckerman Mrs W, Upton Ms G, Williams Mr R.

Legislative Council – Amato Mr L, Farlow Mr S, Maclaren-Jones Mrs, Martin Mr T, Mason-Cox Mr M, Tudehope Mr D.


Legislative Assembly – Atalla Mr E, Bali Mr S, Dib Mr J, Kamper Mr S, McDermott Dr H, Mihailuk Ms T, Zangari Mr G.

Legislative Council – Donnelly Mr G, Houssos Mrs C, Moselmane Mr S.


Legislative Assembly – Bromhead Mr S, Johnsen Mr M.

Shooters Fishers Farmers:

Legislative Council – Banasiak Mr M, Borsak Mr R.

One Nation:

Legislative Council – Latham Mr M, Roberts Mr R


Legislative Assembly – McGirr Dr J.

Christian Democrat:

Legislative Council – Nile Rev’d Mr F

The following protest was lodged.


The ACTING PRESIDENT (The Hon. Trevor Khan): I inform the House that the following protest was signed and lodged with the Clerk today. According to standing orders, a copy of the protest will be forwarded to her Excellency the Governor. The protest reads as follows:


We the undersigned protest against the passing of the bill titled the Abortion Law Reform Bill 2019 for the following reasons:

1.Because of the process used to fast track the bill through the NSW Parliament which:

Treated this private members bill as ade facto Government bill by giving it urgency and priority over all other government business in both the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council;

Excluded any meaningful consultation with, or discussions of, the consequences of the bill with large sections of the NSW community, including all faith communities;

Failed to establish either a Legislative Assembly or Joint Committee to inquire into and report on the bill;

Established a Legislative Council Committee to inquire into and report on the bill over just 5 business days that, in all the circumstances, was woefully inadequate;

Failed to consider over thirteen thousand submissions to the Legislative Council Inquiry due to a lack of time.

2.Because the bill:

Fails to codify the existing law and practice in New South Wales on abortions before 22 weeks, thereby exposing pregnant women to increased risks associated with abortions;

Fails to reflect widespread community concerns regarding unfettered access to abortion services in New South Wales;

Fails to introduce adequate safeguards in the case of late term abortions;

Fails to uphold the principle of conscientious objection for health practitioners;

Fails to introduce criminal penalties for medical practitioners who commit illegal abortions;

Fails to ensure all pregnant women are made aware of the availability of non-directive pregnancy counselling;

Fails to prohibit the commercial trade in the tissue of an aborted baby.

3.Because if enacted the bill will fail to adequately protect the rights of an unborn child in New South Wales from late term abortions.

The Hon. Rod RobertsThe Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane

The Hon. Mark BanasiakThe Hon. Robert Borsak MLC

The Hon. Lou AmatoThe Hon. Matthew Mason-Cox, MLC

The Hon. Courtney HoussosThe Hon. Mark Latham, MLC

The Hon. Greg Donnelly

Reverend the Hon. Fred Nile, MLC, ED

Legislative Council Chamber

26 September 2019

The bill can be viewed at https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/Hansard/Pages/HansardFull.aspx#/DateDisplay/HANSARD-1323879322-106734/HANSARD-1323879322-106761

Opinion: The Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill 2019 fails the standard of justice, meets the standard of inhumanity, and is a doubtful representation of the will of the people in the Riverina.

David Landini

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