Keith Pitt thrown in effigy into the Murray River at Yarrawonga. Videos from the protest.

Keith Pitt thrown in effigy into the Murray River at Yarrawonga. Videos from the protest.
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Chris Brooks – So it’s both sides of the River that needs to be united in this fight.


Geoff Kendell – The whole thing is so rorted at the present, it’s unbelievable. The further you go into it, the worse the situation is.


Covid Keith Pitt aka Lindsay Schultz –  Farmers hate me down here? That’s the first I’ve heard.


Lloyd Polkinghorne – (MDBA Basin Plan) Fifty years ago you would have called it treason.


Chris Brooks – We’re going to give him the Golden Slug Award for the most inventive and creative line of bull shit we’ve  heard come out of the MDBA yet.

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