The Green Vote in NSW Overwhelms the Country Vote
There were a total of 4,160,275 formal votes cast in NSW in the 2022 Federal election.
There were more votes for The Greens in NSW (401,956) than the total number of votes (352,711) in the four marked electorates. The vast majority of votes for The Greens are from the urban areas of Newcastle, Sydney, Wollongong and the north coast.
To be elected and to form government, politicians need to appeal to the most voters in the most electorates. As in NSW State elections, the overwhelming majority of electorates and voters are in the coastal urban area; and within this urban area reside a vast number of voters opposed to the natural resource industries that employ many people in The Riverina.
Politics ensures that the natural resource industries, and the population and prosperity of the people, in The Riverina continues to stagnate and decline while attached to NSW.
The 2022 Federal election re-affirms the need for a Riverina State.
David Landini
Number and maps: Australian Electoral Commission