Britain and Australia’s changing of Prime Ministers and Premiers without the consent of the People is undemocratic and unsatisfactory.

Britain and Australia’s changing of Prime Ministers and Premiers without the consent of the People is undemocratic and unsatisfactory.
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Britain has changed Prime Minister twice in 42 days without consulting the British people either time.

The original Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, resigned and was replaced by Liz Truss, who resigned 42 days later and was replaced by Rishi Sunak.

Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak were elected by the Members of the majority political party in the Parliament in conjunction with the Members of this same party outside of Parliament. They were not elected by the British people; the people that they govern.

Australia and its States have seen the same style of electing Prime Ministers and Premiers many times; each time without consulting the people being governed.

The disadvantage for the public of the Prime Minister or Premier being elected by the members of the majority party in Parliament is that to be elected candidates must appeal to these Members for their vote. To gain their vote, the candidate makes himself, or herself, a subject and servant of these Members. When elected, this Prime Minister or Premier will remain subject and servant of these Members or else they will withdraw their support and the cycle of resignation and election will repeat itself.

The fact to appreciate is that the Prime Minister or Premier is subject and servant of the Members of his or her political party; not of the people that he or she governs. This subjection and service normally includes the awarding of Ministries and other perks of government, with the accompanying money and power, to supporting Members, and the additional spending of public money in supporting Members’ electorates. These are effectively bribes and are a form of corruption, and are detrimental to the whole of the People being governed.

In summary, the election of the Prime Minister or Premier, by the members of the majority political party in Parliament does not primarily benefit the people being governed, but instead primarily benefits the Members of Parliament.

For the good of the People in The Riverina, and in fact in all States, the Premier should be elected by the people only. If a Premier subsequently resigns, a new election should be called and the People, not the Members of the majority political party in Parliament, should elect the new Premier.

The Premier will always be primarily the subject and servant of whoever elects him or her, and the People in The Riverina, and in fact all States of Australia, deserve and should demand that this subjection and service be to them!

David Landini

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