Interesting Letters in The Koondrook and Barham Bridge

Interesting Letters in The Koondrook and Barham Bridge
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An interesting selection of letters in the Koondrook and Barham Bridge 8/12/22.

At the top, Peter Walsh, the leader of the Victorian Nationals writes in effect that The Nationals are doing a good job. Aside from his letter, evidence of public support of this claim is that Peter was elected with a massive majority in the recent Victorian election, and The Nationals won an additional three seats.

Yet The Nationals, along with the Liberal, Labor and Greens parties, fully support the Basin Plan, which can be considered the worst legislation country people have ever suffered under; plus carbon zero; plus every woke policy the opposition Labor and Greens parties have legislated.

My letter then explains that irrigated agriculture and other natural resource based industries in Victoria will inevitably continue being suppressed .

Andrew Hateley then explains that raw politics rules the Basin Plan and its implementation rather than the environmental concerns claimed by most politicians and political parties.

These letters display the significant difference between political claims and practical reality. This difference can be described as ranging from between amazing to bizarre.

David Landini.



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