Eleven Oregon Counties Vote to Separate from Oregon and Join Idaho
It’s not only the people of the Riverina that need or want to separate from their original State. The people of eleven counties in the U.S State of Oregon have voted to separate from Oregon and become part of the state of Idaho.
From the Greater Idaho website:
Counties have voted in County elections to can become a part of Idaho. State lines have been relocated many times in American history because it just takes an interstate compact between two state legislatures and approval of Congress.
If the United States were governed as a single state, we wouldn’t have the opportunity for state governance to vary according to the culture of a local area. The purpose of having state lines is to allow this variance. The Oregon/Idaho border was established 163 years ago and is now outdated. It makes no sense in its current location because it doesn’t match the location of the cultural divide in Oregon. The Oregon/Washington border was updated in 1958. It’s time to move other borders.
Areas that vote like Idaho does, and are economically healthy enough to be welcomed by Idaho are: eastern, southern, and most of central Oregon, southeastern Washington, and northeastern California.
This proposal is different from creating a new state because it does not affect the balance of power in the US Senate. This means that it’s more likely to be approved by the Oregon Legislature.
Our proposal is a win-win for the interests of each state legislature, and for the counties that get to switch states.
More information at the Greater Idaho website: https://www.greateridaho.org/