556,092 people vote for The Greens and the Sustainable Australia Party in the 2023 State election

556,092 people vote for The Greens and the Sustainable Australia Party in the 2023 State election
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In the 2023 State election, the NSW Electoral Commission records 451,344 people voting for The Greens and 104,748 voting for the Sustainable Australia Party (SAP: formerly the Sustainable Population Party). These total 556,092 primary votes, with the vast majority of these voters living in the Metropolitan and North Coast areas. There are a total of 545,993 voters in the eleven marked non-metropolitan electorates.

The Greens and SAP are both officially opposed in varying degrees to all natural resource based industries.

There are more Green and SAP voters in N.S.W. opposed to the irrigation, timber, and other natural resource-based industries than there are voters west of The Great Dividing Range, and the Monaro and Bega electorates.

The number of people who vote for The Greens and SAP in N.S.W. and other sympathetic voters, ensures that natural resource-based industries such as irrigation farming and native timber harvesting will be subject to continually increasing restrictions and prohibitions.     

A Riverina State, separate from Green oriented urban NSW, is the only possible guarantee that the people in natural resource based towns and economies will prosper, 

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