Southern Riverina Irrigators: the train wreck of this Basin Plan continues

Southern Riverina Irrigators: the train wreck of this Basin Plan continues
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As the train wreck of the Basin Plan continues, the damage upstream is getting harder to ignore.

The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder (Simon Banks) has already said he can only use 78 percent of the water he already owns.

The Murray Darling Basin Authority has told the Federal Environment Minister (Tanya Plibersek) that they don’t need any more water and they can’t deliver it.

AND yet this madness continues…

There is already 4600GL of water in held in environmental water accounts.

Irrigation water is dual purpose water and supports both bio-diversity and the environment.

These photos were taken downstream of the Torrumbarry Lock before last years flood- this will keep getting worse if we continue to take water away from productive agriculture 😢.



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