Federal Government Irrigation Water Purchases Restart
This purchase of 70 gigalitres is the first of a series of three purchases totalling 450 gigalitres.
Removing water from irrigation will severely reduce agricultural production, reduce jobs, and is of course a disaster for the livelihoods of all the people in these areas.
Regardless of the lack of evidence to support the claims of various Water Ministers, and regardless of the many presentations made by country representatives debunking these claims, the removal continues.
The Federal Government, via the Murray Darling Basin Authority, only manages water with the permission of the various States. The State Governments of NSW and Victoria are therefore permitting the destruction of the livelihoods of the people in the irrigation areas of these States.
Only a Riverina State, with State authority over the water and other natural resources within its area, can secure and preserve the livelihoods and prosperity of the people in this area.
David Landini