NSW Government Ceases Request for Riverina State Group Member Details

NSW Government Ceases Request for Riverina State Group Member Details
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The following is the text of the last email sent by me to the NSW Electoral Commission on the 2/10/24. There has been no further correspondence.

Dear XX

Your request for member names, address etc concerns me due to its breach of the confidentiality guaranteed by me to members, and possible claimed association of members with acts enacted by me.

1) Section 138 of the Electoral Funding Act makes several mentions of the term “reasonable” regarding provision of information. I am not convinced that your request for member details is “reasonable”. Please inform me of your reason that member details are required for enforcement of the Act.

I note the following:

1) Section 12 of the Act describes the disclosures required to be made to the Electoral Commission. Party member details are not included in this description (or in any other sections that I have read).

2) Section 13 of the Act states that the relevant disclosure period is the 12 months prior to the 30th of June. Much of your requested information (including member details) is prior to the disclosure period.

Yours sincerely

David Landini

The NSW Electoral Funding Act can be read here.


Original Article 29/8/24.

The NSW Government, via the NSW Electoral Commission, has realized that The Riverina State Group exists.

This realization is impressive and something of a feather in the cap of the Group.

In correspondence, the Commission has stated its understanding of the existence of this Group. It has further requested information about Group membership, specifically relating to the 2023 State election.

Membership of the The Riverina State Group has been entered into by members on the condition of confidentiality. While members are welcome to announce their membership in any way they like, membership is otherwise confidential and will only be provided to the relevant electoral commission for the purpose of party registration.

The NSW Electoral Commission correspondence is the first test that this confidentiality has been subjected to. I assure members that confidentiality will be maintained and will only be provided to the relevant electoral commission for the purpose of Riverina State Party registration.

David Landini


The Riverina State Group.


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