Benefits of Registering The Riverina State Party.

Benefits of Registering The Riverina State Party.
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1) Needing at least 1,500 members ensures that many people are approached and invited to join. This in itself disseminates the need for State formation.

2) Being registered means that there are at least 1,500 members. This creates credibility. Registration informs spectators that a lot of people support State formation.

3) Standing candidates  for election will get the name The Riverina State printed on approximately 100,000 voting ballots in each of these electorates. This means that the name The Riverina State will be printed on up to 600,000 ballots. With accompanying media attention, this will advertise State formation as no other method can.

4) Supporters will have the opportunity to express their support for State formation with their vote. The quantity of number 1 votes received will be recorded by the relevant electoral commission and will be certified support.

5) This support will be used to define the popularity of State formation and will assist in defining the border of the proposed State.

6) Certified support will prove that there is widespread support for State formation. This will entice all candidates in future elections in areas within the proposed State to include support for State formation on their policy platform

7) This certified support will eventually be used to justify a referendum of the people in this proposed State on State formation. This referendum will only include the areas where State formation is popular. This will ensure that the referendum is successful. This referendum will not include the people in the Sydney or Melbourne areas.

The actual election of candidates to parliament will be considered a bonus.

David Landini

NSW Members: Print this linked Declaration of Party Membership form ,complete the required information (if no email mark as Not Applicable) and either scan and email to, or photograph and text to me at 0427 009683, or post to The Riverina State, 27 Flinders St, Wakool, NSW, 2710.

Other State members join via the linked website membership page.



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