Great News! There are Enough Members to Register as a Party in NSW

Great News! There are Enough Members to Register as a Party in NSW
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At 7/11/24 there are a total of 1269 Riverina State group members Australia wide.

The number of members per State is as follows:

New South Wales 855

Victoria 391

Queensland 10

Australian Capital Territory 5

South Australia 4

Western Australia 2

Tasmania 1

Northern Territory 1

Federal registration requires a minimum if 1,500 members from any State or Territory. This entitles the Party to stand candidates in Federal elections.

NSW registration requires a minimum of 750 members from NSW. This entitles the Party to stand candidates in NSW State elections.

Victorian registration requires a minimum of 500 members from Victoria. This entitles the Party to stand candidates in Victorian State elections.

Federal, NSW and Victorian registrations are all separate i.e. registration in one entity does not include registration in another entity.

There are enough members to register as a party in NSW for NSW State elections. Another 230 members are required to register Federally. Another 109 Victorian members are required to register in Victoria.

As there are enough NSW members, registration in NSW will proceed.

Additional NSW Information Required

Federal and Victoria registration only requires the provision of the member’s name, address, and date of birth, with optional provision of his or her telephone number and email address.

NSW requires the provision of a completed Declaration of Party Membership form. As registration efforts have been primarily directed at Federal registration due to this being the next election, I did not know of, or request completion of, this form for NSW registration.

NSW members are asked to complete the Declaration of Party Membership linked below. The only additional information required is the member’s signature. This form is certainly an unwanted addition, and not required for Federal or Victorian registration, but regrettably a requirement for NSW.

NSW Members

Some NSW members have already completed this form, and if so do not need to repeat this.

Please print off the Declaration of Party Membership linked here, complete the information requested, and either scan and email to, or photograph and text to me at 0427 009683, or post to The Riverina State, 27 Flinders St, Wakool, NSW, 2710.

NSW requires registration to be completed one year before the next election in 2027, so your prompt completion is requested.

Thank you.

David Landini








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